How Much Does a Tandem Kayak Weigh


How Much Does a Tandem Kayak Weigh?

Did you know that the average tandem kayak weighs about 75 pounds? That’s like carrying a medium-sized dog on your shoulders! But don’t let that … Read more

How Much Does It Cost To Rent A Kayak


How Much Does It Cost To Rent A Kayak?

Kayaking has surged in popularity as an accessible and enjoyable water activity, offering a unique blend of exercise, relaxation, and adventure. Whether you’re planning a … Read more

How to Strap Kayak to Roof Rack


How to Strap Kayak to Roof Rack?

Kayaking is an exhilarating way to explore waterways and connect with nature. But before you can paddle your way to adventure, you need to get … Read more